Harts of Arizona Series Page 10
“You know she’s had a thing for me for a while.”
“Yeah, but you never gave her the time of day,” Eli replied, swinging his glass back and taking a sip of his Hennessey and Coke.
“Well, I finally realized the error of my ways.”
Eli stared at Chynna and then back at Lucas. “If that’s how you want to play this, fine, Lucas. Just be careful. Chynna is our biggest star, and we wouldn’t want anything to happen to this dynasty we’ve been building.”
“Point taken.” Lucas knew Eli was right, but it was like the pot calling the kettle black. Eli was always messing around with some of their lesser-named songbirds, but Lucas had never wanted to enter that arena until now. Not until Chynna.
Eventually the crowds dissipated and Deacon and Fiona suggested that Lucas and Chynna leave together to give the press something to talk about. And talking they were.
As soon as Lucas and Kenya left the club, the paparazzi were clicking their cameras and trying to capture the shot as the couple entered the limo waiting at the end of the red carpet.
Kenya slid in first and Lucas was right behind her, but this time he sat opposite her. He immediately rolled up the partition window so the driver wouldn’t hear their conversation.
“I am glad that’s over,” Kenya said, removing the stilettos from her aching feet and tossing them on the floor.
Lucas smiled. “You were great tonight. That happy birthday stunt was inspired. Whose idea was it?”
“Fiona’s or Deacon’s. I can’t remember which.”
“The paps are really going to eat this up,” Lucas replied, eyeing them through the tinted limo windows.
“I sure hope so. I don’t want have to keep this charade up too much longer.”
“Why, When you’re so good at it?”
“At what?”
“Acting like you’re into me.”
Kenya shrugged, trying to ignore the husky tone in his voice, but it was hard not to. “I told you I was working on my acting lessons.”
“Hmm ... I don’t think that was all acting,” he said, watching her carefully.
Kenya tried to swallow, but her mouth suddenly felt parched. Lucas was staring at her so intently; there was no doubt in her mind of what was coming next. She just wasn’t prepared for how strong her reaction would be when Lucas closed the distance between them.
He reached her seat and wrapped his large hands around her face and pulled her into a scorching kiss filled with so much heat, Kenya thought she might go up in flames. His lips hungrily caressed hers, coaxing them open, and Kenya parted her mouth to greedily accept his tongue.
Before she knew what was happening, Lucas was beside her and pulling her on top of him. His hands were everywhere, touching and caressing her arms, her hips, her butt and back up to mold her breasts with his big, strong hands while he made love to her with his tongue. His tongue thrust in and out of her mouth with an exquisiteness so delicious, Kenya molded the upper half of her body against his broad firm chest while the lower half began grinding against his erection.
“Chynna ...” Lucas’s mouth left hers long enough to make its way up to her neck as he licked, kissed and caressed the sensitive part of her nape and ears. When he found she liked his ministrations, he continued teasing her earlobe and all her equilibrium crumbled.
“Oh God, yes,” she murmured against his cheek, and he licked her earlobe and ground his bottom half against hers. But he didn’t stop there. He pulled at the straps at the back of her corset until the thin lace fabric covering her breast could escape its confines and one chocolate nipple was his for the taking. That’s when Lucas bent his head to suckle on her nipple. With gentle flicks of his tongue, he teased and licked the bud until it became erect. Then he moved to push down her bodice until her bosom was bare and he could feast on the other breast. He encircled her tender nipple with his tongue and Kenya felt herself becoming slick and wet inside her panties. She wiggled in his lap, wanting more.
Lucas must have sensed she was in a heat because she felt his hands exploring her butt and thighs long enough to start scrunching her dress upward until he reached the tiny scrap of fabric covering her femininity. When he found his destination, he pushed it aside so he could tease the slick folds of her womanhood with gentle fingers.
“Lucas ... please,” Kenya began to pant, but that only seemed to fuel him, and he continued to surge forward, sliding one finger inside of her. She gasped as pure pleasure shot through her.
She began to buck against his thrusting and exploring finger, and Lucas whispered in her ear, “Yes, baby, come for me.” He returned his mouth to hers and their tongues dueled for supremacy. Kenya felt she might come right there until she heard a knock on the limo door.
Startled, Kenya jumped away from Lucas to the opposite seat as if she’d been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Lucas didn’t know why when they were two consenting adults and he’d rather enjoyed what was happening between them.
“Mr. Kingston, we’ve arrived at Ms. James’s estate,” a male voice said from the other side of the door.
“Thank you. Give us a moment.” Lucas stared across at Kenya, who was frantically pulling up her dress to cover those wonderfully full breasts of hers he’d been tantalizing. She seemed embarrassed at how wanton she’d behaved.
“Yes, sir.”
“Perhaps we should take this inside?” he said.
“I, I don’t think so,” Kenya said breathlessly, fixing the bodice of her dress. “I think it’s best if I go home alone.”
“Excuse me?” Lucas was flabbergasted. They’d just been sharing one of the hottest moments he’d had with a woman since God knew how long and he was ready for the next logical step—the two of them making love until they were spent.
“I, I don’t know what came over me,” Kenya replied. “Th-that should have never happened and I need to go.” She reached for the handle on the door, but Lucas grabbed her arms.
“Wait a second. Are you serious?” Lucas asked. “Are you honestly going to act like we weren’t about to make love? Because I can assure you we were, and if we’d had another five minutes, I would’ve been buried deep inside you and you would have come.”
He saw Chynna’s fair skin color turn red. He hadn’t meant to be so blunt, but he couldn’t understand her change of heart. She clearly wanted him as much as he did her. That had been obvious by her unabashed response to him. So why was she backing away now when this was what she’d always wanted?
“You’re right,” Kenya said. “We would’ve had hot sex. But then what next? We have to carry on this charade for how long? You and I both know that you’re not known for the long-term. So let’s just chalk this up to me being a tease and call it a night, okay?”
Kenya didn’t wait for a response. She escaped the confines of the limo before Lucas could stop her. He rolled down the window and watched her be escorted inside the mansion by one of her bodyguards as he sat with a major hard-on that would go unrequited for the night.
Damn that woman! She’d gotten him all worked up and then walked out on him. Maybe he’d been right about her all along. The problem was he’d already committed himself to a faux relationship to help clean up her image. Now what was he going to do? How the hell was he going to work with the woman he wanted to sex like crazy but who insisted on keeping him at arm’s length?
Chapter 9
“Hey, twinie,” Chynna said into the receiver as she quietly called her sister from the study of the Hart estate the following evening. She’d waited until everyone had retired so she could make a private call.
“Chynna, oh thank God!” Kenya said from the other end. “How are you? I tried calling your cell, and then when I got no answer, I called the spa and they said they hadn’t seen you in days and I was terrified something had happened to you. Where are you?”
sp; “Well,” Chynna sighed. “It’s a long story.”
“Spill it.”
“I finally went for that hike you suggested and left my cell at the spa.” Chynna glanced over her shoulder to make sure no one had entered the room. “And then I kind of got lost.”
“Only you, twinie.” Kenya laughed affectionately.
“I know, okay? Anyway, I stumbled onto this dude ranch.”
“Dude ranch?”
“Yeah, the Golden Oaks Ranch is not far from the spa and they have cattle and horseback riding, skeet shooting, hay rides, a petting farm and all sorts of activities for families.”
“And you’re staying there?” Kenya sounded shocked by Chynna’s choice of living quarters.
“Yes, I met the family that owns the ranch and they kind of took me in over the last week, so I need you to play me for just a little bit longer.”
“How long?”
“That’s it, Kenya. I don’t know.” Chynna just knew she had to stay and figure it out. “But what I do know is this is the most fun I’ve had since I can remember and this family is so warm and welcoming, especially Mrs. Hart. Makes me miss Mom.”
“I miss her too, but I was hoping we could switch back. I thought this was only for a week or so and we would regroup after the Anaheim show.”
“Is something wrong? Do you think someone’s onto you?” Chynna sure hoped not.
“No, that’s not it ...” Kenya paused for several seconds too long, and Chynna knew there was more to the story that her sister wasn’t telling her.
“So what is it? Is it the Blake situation?” Chynna had hoped with time the press would move on to something new.
“No, I’ve handled that.”
“Really? How?”
“Well, the press kind of, sort of ...thinks you and Lucas Kingston are an item.”
“What!” Chynna rose from the executive chair she was seated in and began to pace the study room floor. “And why would they think that?”
“We all—being me, Deacon, Fiona and Lucas included—thought we needed to get the press’s focus away from you and Blake and onto me, I mean you, and someone else. Since you’d always had a thing for Lucas and he was single ... anyway, he agreed to take the heat so we could get the movie back on track. Carter Wright was ready to replace you.”
“Wow! I can’t believe Lucas would agree to stand in as my boyfriend, but he did think the movie was important. So how did it go? Am I out of the movie?”
“No, I gave the performance of my life by reading for Carter and I convinced him to keep you.”
“And in return Lucas agreed to be your faux boyfriend?” Chynna sighed heavily. “Oh Lord, this is spinning out of control.” When Kenya remained silent, Chynna knew there was more. “And, what else, twinie? What are you keeping from me?”
“I just really need to get back to my life,” Kenya reiterated.
“Sounds to me like you want to run away.” Chynna rubbed her chin and thought for a minute. “Who are you running away from?”
“Lucas and I, we became sort of intimate and it was such a stupid thing to do. It’s why you need to get your butt back here and take your life back.”
Chynna whispered into the phone, “How intimate did you and Lucas Kingston get?”
Chynna couldn’t resist laughing because she could hear Kenya’s discomfort over the phone. “I mean, I’ve been trying to hook that fish for years, but here you come and he gives up the goods. Oh, my—”
“Stop it.” Kenya began laughing too, which helped ease the tension in her voice.
“You still didn’t answer my question.” Chynna wasn’t jealous, not when she had Noah in her sights, but her curiosity was getting the best of her. “How far did you two go?”
“We didn’t sleep together if that’s what your insinuating.”
Chynna sensed what her twin wouldn’t say. “But you wanted to.”
“I just think it’s best if we switch places and return to our lives.”
“No can do,” Chynna said. “Like you, I’ve met someone too.”
“Noah Hart. He runs his family’s ranch. He tries to act like he’s not interested in me, but I know men and he has the hots for me; but he won’t admit it to himself. You see, he’s a widower and he lost his wife and child very tragically and he’s still suffering. I can’t go. If I do, I’ll never know if it’s real, plus I told him I would stay on as a ranch hand for a couple of weeks, and I am determined to stick it out.”
“Why? You have nothing to prove to him. He’s a stranger.”
“I have something to prove to me,” Chynna said quietly. “That I’m stronger than everyone thinks and Noah ... well, he’s just the icing on the cake.”
“Icing on what cake?” a masculine voice said from behind Chynna.
Chynna wanted to die from embarrassment at having been caught talking about him. “I have to go,” she whispered to Kenya. “I’ll call you soon.”
“Soon.” Chynna hung up the receiver and spun around to face Noah. He was looking as sexy as ever in his Wrangler jeans and plaid shirt. “Do you always eavesdrop?” she asked with indignation.
“Only if I hear my name,” Noah said. “And what are you doing in here anyway?”
“I needed to make a private call.”
“And you just happened to bring me up in the conversation?” Noah asked.
Chynna didn’t have a quick retort, and Noah came rushing toward her and grabbed her by both shoulders.
“What’s your game, Kenya?” He peered down at her. “Why are you here? Are you spying for one of our competitors?”
“Sp-spying?” Chynna managed to eke the word out because butterflies were fluttering in her belly at being this close to Noah again. “I, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
She must have sounded genuine because Noah eased his firm grip on her arms, but he didn’t release her. “Then what? Why are you here?” His words were barely a whisper as his mouth hovered over hers.
She knew he wanted to kiss her, so she said the words aloud that were hanging between them: “Kiss me.”
Noah seemed shocked at her boldness and retreated momentarily, but he didn’t let her go. He said instead, “I don’t want to kiss you.”
Chynna gave a wicked smile. “Liar. All this heat can’t be coming just from me.”
Before she could say another word, he pushed her backward against the door. Then he pulled her firmly into his arms, and her breasts brushed against his hard chest. She couldn’t resist emitting a low moan, and that was the straw that broke Noah.
He lowered his head and pressed his lips against hers. He nibbled on her bottom lip until she parted her mouth. He plunged his tongue inside its warmth. His mouth settled over hers; the kiss was sweet, yet passionate. Noah kissed her like his life depended on it, like he couldn’t get enough of her, and the feeling was mutual. Chynna couldn’t ever remember being kissed in such a way. She allowed her hands to roam over his body. She reveled in the feel of the strong, corded muscles in his arms from so many days out on the ranch. The more Noah deepened the kiss, the more she felt weak at the knees and the more she knew that being intimate with this man was inevitable.
Noah felt like a randy teenage boy. Kenya tasted so good, felt so good. Rockets shot off in his head as he thrust his tongue deeper into her mouth. The frenzy of her movements, the moans escaping her lips, and the way her hips pushed and thrust against him made Noah want to slide his tongue between her legs and find out the secret within. He cupped her buttocks in his hands and pulled her firmly against his rock-hard erection.
She moaned again, and this time, his hands moved to roam over her hips, spine and then up to the slope of her breasts. He’d been dying to touch those sugary confections since he’d seem
them in that tank top and shorts she’d worn a few mornings ago. Her breasts were full and ripe, and he rubbed her nipples until they turned into rocky pebbles. He wanted her anyway he could have her—on her back, on her knees, right here on the sheepskin rug in his father’s study.
God, what’s wrong with me? He was abandoning all of his principles and resolutions. Slowly, he pulled away from Kenya and took a large, uneven breath. “Th-that shouldn’t have happened.”
Or shouldn’t it? He hadn’t been with another woman since Maya’s death. Maybe that was why he was reacting like he’d never been with a woman before, but deep in the back of his mind, he knew it wasn’t true. Kenya was one of a kind, which is why he couldn’t let this go on any further.
“If you ask me, that kiss was inevitable,” Chynna said quietly as she tried to regain her composure.
Curses fell from his mouth.
“Don’t act like you didn’t want it too,” Chynna responded with a pout, “because I know otherwise.”
Noah’s face reddened. She was right. He’d been as hard as a rock kissing her. He still was. But he had to get his emotions under control.
“Listen, Noah,” Chynna said, putting her hand up as he was about to speak again. “As much as you try to deny it, you’re attracted to me. Why fight it?”
“Just give into the attraction?” he asked with a hoarse whisper.
“Why not?”
He didn’t answer. Instead, he walked over to the wet bar and poured himself a drink of brown liquid from a decanter and sipped generously. When he finally spoke, he said, “In Hollywood, you might be used to casual sex, but I’m not.” “When I make love to a woman, it’s because she means something to me.”
“And am I to interpret I mean nothing to you?”
“Well, uh ...” Noah was at a complete loss for words. The woman had a way of rattling him. “I, I didn’t mean—”
“Ever the gentleman, Noah Hart.” Chynna’s eyes were alight with mirth. “I wouldn’t dream of calling your honor into question.”
Clearly, she’d seen how uneasy the question had made him and a wide grin curved his lips. “You were teasing me?”