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Need You Now Page 7

  Ethan held up his hands and rose. “Okay, okay. I will leave for now, but I want you at my house tonight. I want this finalized by the end of the day.”

  “Out!” She pointed to the door. As Ethan walked to the door, Kayla followed him, and he was barely out before she slammed the door and crumpled against it.

  Kayla sat in her Porsche Carrera outside of Ethan’s estate. She was trying to decide if she wanted to race off the grounds and test out her Porche’s max speed limit of 205 mph. Because today had been the day from hell. After Ethan had left, Shane and Courtney had both come to her office to discuss the meetings, but she’d refused to see them. How could she look at them knowing she’d let them down? She was supposed to be their big sister. She was supposed to take care of them, but she’d failed miserably.

  And so she’d paced in her office for hours after everyone left until finally deciding to meet Ethan at his estate, if only to turn him down to his face. She would rather close Adams Cosmetics’ doors than give in to him.

  Ethan looked through the foyer curtain. Kayla had been sitting in her car for nearly half an hour. It was time he ended it, so he opened his front door and walked outside in the cool spring evening. He knocked on the driver’s window.

  Kayla rolled down the window. “Yes?”

  “Do you plan on staying out here all night?” Ethan inquired. “Or do you plan on coming in anytime soon?”

  That was the very question she’d been debating the entire time. After several moments, Kayla rolled up the window, took a deep breath and stepped out of the vehicle.

  “Thank you.” Ethan closed the door behind her.

  Kayla strode in front of him without looking back, but Ethan didn’t have a problem with it. He was enjoying the view of her rear end in the jeans she wore. As they entered the foyer, Ethan noticed she’d dressed casually in a fitted white top that ruched at the sides and a pair of skinny jeans. If she thought the effect would lessen how sexy she was to him, she was mistaken. He was even more aroused.

  “Would you like a drink?” Ethan asked, closing the front door behind him.

  “I could use a vodka straight up.” She followed Ethan into the great room and watched him pour her and him a drink while she paced the floor.

  Ethan walked back with the drink in hand. “Do you plan on standing all evening? Or would you care to sit down?”

  “If I’m going to the gallows, I’d prefer to stand,” Kayla returned.

  “Stop being so melodramatic.” Ethan grabbed her by the arm and forced her down on the couch.

  “Do you always manhandle women? Or do I alone have that special pleasure?”

  Ethan took a deep breath. Kayla was testing his nerves. “Just you, my dear. I guess you bring out the caveman in me.”

  Kayla couldn’t help but laugh at his comment.

  “Finally.” Ethan sighed. “You relax. You know this doesn’t have to be unpleasant.”

  “Which part? The part where I disgrace my father by selling his company to his most hated enemy? Or sell myself for thirty pieces of silver?” Kayla took a huge gulp of her drink.

  Ethan grimaced. “Well, when you put it like that it does.” He turned to Kayla. “Listen, this is a win-win for the both of us. In exchange for marrying me, Adams Cosmetics will stay solvent and merge with Graham International. Everyone will keep their jobs and you will remain as president.”

  “And what do you get out of this arrangement?”

  “I get to rectify one of my father’s deepest regrets.”

  “So this is about Carter?” Kayla had been too young to remember Carter very well, but he had always been known as a heartless man.

  “Partly.” Ethan sipped his scotch. He didn’t particularly want to discuss his relationship with Carter. “And I get you.”

  “This isn’t about me. I’m just an added bonus. It’s about making my father’s company yours,” Kayla finished. “Sounds like you get the better deal.” She downed the rest of her vodka.

  “I think you will enjoy it, as well.”

  “Is that so?” Kayla rolled her eyes upward at his arrogance. How could he be so sure of himself?

  “Oh, I have no doubt you will enjoy the ways I intend to pleasure you,” Ethan said in a low, raspy voice. He downed his scotch and put the decanter on the coffee table.

  Kayla swallowed hard and her body trembled slightly. “I did not say I was accepting your offer.” She scooted farther away on the couch from Ethan.

  “Then why are you here?”

  “I don’t know.” Kayla hung her head low.

  “Oh, yes, you do,” Ethan said, and before she knew it, he’d scooted next to her, pulled her drink out of her hands and set it down beside his. “You came here—” he reached out to grasp the back of her head “—because you’ve run out of options and you know you have no choice but to give in. So give in…” he said as he lowered his head and his lips descended on hers.

  His mouth plundered hers like a pirate capturing a vessel.

  When he lifted his head from the earth-shattering kiss, Kayla said, “I give in, okay? Are you happy now that you’ve won?”

  “Not just yet,” Ethan said, his eyes dark with desire. He leaned down and kissed her again. This time softly and gently. His tongue stroked hers with a hunger that was steadily rising. When she tried to protest, her lips parted and he took advantage of the ragged moan that escaped her. That’s when Kayla knew she was fighting a losing battle.

  Kayla felt Ethan’s hands fumbling to pull her top up and cool air hit her skin. She didn’t have any time to react, because Ethan had already pushed her satin bra aside and begun feasting on her breasts. It was the only way to describe the way he lavished each breast with gentle nibbles and wet flicks of his tongue. The touch of Ethan’s hot tongue on her sent heat flooding through Kayla.

  “Ethan…” she moaned.

  Ethan grasped her hips and brought Kayla into direct contact with his arousal. She felt him rubbing against her and soon she was grinding against him, desperate to relieve the ache in her. Ethan knew he had to stop, otherwise he’d be taking her right there on the couch, and that’s not how he intended to treat his future wife. Kayla wasn’t like the other women he’d bedded. He actually cared about her, and if they had sex now she would think that’s all there was between them. Sure, they’d have lustful moments as a couple and he couldn’t wait to see her naked body, but he wanted their first time to be as husband and wife. Which meant they would have to get married quickly, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to control himself.

  Ethan pulled up on his haunches and looked down at Kayla. “I shouldn’t have let things get that far…at least not yet.”

  Kayla pushed him away and sat up. Whenever she was with Ethan, he unleashed another side of her, one in which she had no control over her own body. She wasn’t used to it, and she hated that he knew it. Kayla dragged her fingers through her hair, readjusted her bra and pulled down her top.

  “Let’s get some dinner,” Ethan said, and offered Kayla his hand to stand up. “It’s been an emotional day.”

  Kayla declined his hand and stood up on her own. “I guess I am a little famished, plus I need to figure out exactly what I’m going to tell my family. Because trust me, they will not be happy about this.”

  Instead of having his chef whip them up a meal, Ethan decided to grill up some steaks in the kitchen himself. He wasn’t much of a cook, but he knew the basics. And he could use the time to show her his gentle side and move beyond the business talk that had dominated their relationship.

  Kayla followed Ethan to the kitchen and was surprised when he pulled out rib-eye steaks and the ingredients for a salad from the refrigerator. She slid onto a stool at the island and watched him preheat the grill. “So you’re going to make us dinner?”

  Ethan looked up from the chopping board. “Does that surprise you?”

  A smile spread across her face. “Actually it does. I didn’t think the great Ethan Graham would subject himself to me
nial labor.”

  “I’m no chef,” Ethan said as he shook seasoning across the steaks and chopped up iceberg lettuce to make a wedge salad. “But I make a mean steak on the grill.”

  Kayla’s stomach growled and she blushed. “Sorry.”

  “How about a glass of wine?” Ethan said, grabbing a towel and wiping his hands.

  “I would love some.”

  “I’ll be back in a moment,” Ethan said. Once he was gone, Kayla finally had a moment to think about the momentous decision she’d made. What was she doing? Her father would kill her when he found out. But what could she do? She had no other options.

  Ethan returned with a bottle of Merlot and a corkscrew. “This is from the collection in my wine cellar. You’ll love it,” he said as he uncorked the bottle. He reached above her to grab two wineglasses that hung from the ceiling and poured them both a glass.

  “To getting reacquainted.” Ethan clicked his glass against hers. “So tell me all about Kayla.” He looked intently at her.

  Kayla sipped her wine. “What do you want to know?”

  “Hmm…let me think.” Ethan placed both steaks on the grill before turning back around to answer her. “Well, are you a morning person or a night person?”

  “Morning person. And you?”

  “Night, of course. It’s always more fun!” Ethan grinned devilishly.

  “What’s your favorite restaurant?” Kayla asked.

  “Luiginos, it’s a mom-and-pop place, but they make the best homemade gnocchi with vodka sauce that you’ve ever tasted. What’s your favorite book?”

  Kayla paused for a moment before answering. “Little Women. I love that Jo is so independent and passionate about being her own person, even back then.”

  Ethan laughed, turning over the steaks. “Of course, you would empathize with Jo. She’s the eldest and is strong and independent, like a certain woman I know.”

  Kayla met his gaze evenly and sipped her wine. “And proud of it!”

  Ethan smiled. For the first time, they were having a real conversation, one in which they weren’t arguing or yelling at each other. And he had to admit, he loved it.

  When the steaks were done, they sat down to enjoy them and the salad at the kitchen table. It was very informal, which surprised Kayla. She hadn’t expected Ethan to be so laid-back. The conversation between them flowed easily from books to music to sports. She even found they were both Atlanta Hawks fans and shared a love of basketball.

  “I have the best box seats,” Ethan said. “We’ll have to catch a game.”

  “I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time once we’re…uh…married.” Kayla nearly choked out the word.

  “Kayla.” Ethan’s dark eyes stared at her. “It’s possible we can make this marriage work. We both just have to be willing to try.”

  “You make it sound so easy, Ethan.” Kayla looked up at him and found it impossible to look away. Even now, he had a way of making her feel like a besotted teenager again. “But you and I both know that my family will never accept this. Ever.”

  Chapter 6

  “Things are going to be fine.” Ethan reached for Kayla’s hand and squeezed it as they made their way to the front door of the Adams family mansion on Saturday evening.

  “It’s because of you that I’m in this mess,” Kayla said, removing her hand from his grasp. She had spent the day at a hotel room, in part to hide from her family and their sad eyes and also because she’d needed time to get a hold of herself. After she’d left Ethan’s last night, she’d been an emotional wreck. Did he have any idea what he was doing to her? The effect he had on her?

  Ethan sighed. So they were back to sniping at each other even after their romantic dinner last night.

  “It’s because of me that your business will be saved,” he said, trying to maintain an even tone.

  “Don’t remind me.” She was making the ultimate sacrifice to protect her family legacy. Kayla used her key to open the front door. She stood in the hallway afraid to move. Ethan closed the door behind them.

  “Well, you look beautiful,” Ethan stated. The moment she’d come over to his estate that evening, he’d admired the sheath dress she was wearing. He loved the simplicity of the dress and how it clung to her curvy figure without revealing too much. Kayla would make the perfect wife.

  “Thanks.” Kayla looked back and forth down the hall.

  “They do know we’re coming, right?” Ethan nearly bumped into her when she tried to move out of view of the hallway.

  Kayla shook her head. “No. I just told them I was calling a family meeting.”

  “So I’m walking into the lion’s den?” Ethan commented.

  Kayla turned around to face him. “Don’t tell me you’re scared?” She laughed tritely. “I didn’t think the great Ethan Graham would be afraid of anyone.”

  Ethan paused. He wasn’t looking forward to incurring Byron’s wrath, but there was no avoiding it. Eventually he said, “I’m not afraid.”

  Kayla wasn’t sure she believed him, but she didn’t have time to hold his hand. She had to go into the family room and tell her father, her family, that she was marrying the enemy. What hurt the most was that she would be disappointing her father. But what choice did she have? She would do anything to save his life’s work, even if it meant making a deal with the devil. “Let’s go.” Kayla stalked toward the family-room door.

  “You’re going to do what?” her father yelled, minutes later after she revealed she was engaged to Ethan. “Over my dead body!”

  “Byron, please!” her mother cried, grabbing his arm.

  “Elizabeth.” He pointed to his beloved wife. “My daughter will not marry that man.” Her father jumped off the couch and came walking toward Kayla with such fury in his eye that Ethan stepped in between them. “What the hell do you think you’re doing, Graham? Do you honestly think I would harm my own child? That might be something your father might have done, but not me. Now move aside.”

  “Byron!” Her mother was horrified by her father’s comment. “Was that really necessary?”

  Both men were over six feet and within each other’s eyesight, and Kayla hoped this wouldn’t become a brawl. “Sir, I know you would never hurt Kayla, but I would be remiss if I did not protect my future bride.”

  “Your future bride?” Her father’s eyes flashed with outrage. “Like hell!”

  “Kayla, why are you doing this?” Shane finally spoke. He’d been stunned into silence at their sudden announcement and had to sit on the couch. “I thought you said you had no feelings for this man.”

  “I lied,” Kayla said under Shane’s steady scrutiny. The only way her family would accept this story is if she made it believable. “You all know I’ve had a crush on this irresistible man since I was a teenager.” Kayla grabbed Ethan’s arm for effect and stared up at him lovingly.

  “But you’re a grown woman now, and you’d made it clear that you’d outgrown your schoolgirl crush,” Shane added.

  “I was wrong,” Kayla replied. “Ethan and I have been seeing each other since he returned to Atlanta.”

  “What did I miss?” Courtney asked as she rushed into the room. She’d been late to the foray as usual. Courtney grabbed a glass of champagne sitting on the coffee table.

  “Ethan and Kayla are engaged,” Shane answered.

  Courtney spit out her champagne and had to wipe the residue from her mouth with the back side of her hand. “Say what?”

  “It’s true.” Kayla nodded in agreement.

  “Listen, Mr. Adams, you know I respect you…” Ethan began.

  “Then don’t insult my intelligence that my daughter has suddenly fallen head over heels for you,” Byron said, “and tell me the truth.” He turned to Kayla. “What does he have on you?”

  Tears blinded Kayla’s eyes and choked her voice, forcing her to move away. “Daddy, please.” She rushed over to a nearby ottoman. She was feeling weak in the knees at deceiving her family.

  Ethan could see Ka
yla faltering so he came and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Kayla is with me of her own free will,” he responded. “I knew Kayla had feelings for me as a teenager, but she was much too young for me to act on them.” Then Ethan went in for the kill. “But that hasn’t been the case now. Kayla and I have been sharing a bed for weeks.” Ethan heard Kayla’s sharp intake of breath at his audacity, but he continued, “Isn’t that right, Courtney? You saw us making out at the Atlanta Steeplechase event.”

  All eyes turned to Courtney for confirmation. Courtney nodded. “It’s true, Daddy. I caught Ethan and Kayla kissing in the stables weeks ago.”

  “And that day in your office?” Shane stared at Kayla. “I knew I had interrupted you two during the middle of something, but I never imagined…” His voice trailed off and he ran his fingers through his curly fro.

  “All right. You’re lovers,” her father said. “I can accept that.” He pushed past Ethan and kneeled down in front of Kayla who was sitting on the ottoman. “But you don’t have to do this, Kayla. You don’t have to marry the man. If you need to get over the schoolgirl fantasy you had over him, then do it, but baby girl, please don’t tie yourself to this man for life.”

  “It’s more than that, Daddy. We share a love of business, which is why—” Kayla stood up and faced her family “—I have signed an agreement which will allow Graham International to purchase the thirty-seven and a half shares, currently on the market, in addition to thirteen of my shares.”

  “Kayla, no!” Her mother shook her head in despair.

  “That means, you’ll have over 50 percent.” Byron rose from his knees and glared at Ethan. “Making you majority shareholder and in control of Adams Cosmetics.”

  “That is correct, sir.”

  “So this was your scheme all along, wasn’t it?” Byron asked. “Get my daughter to fall for you so she could turn over our family business to you.”

  “Daddy, you make me sound gullible and naive.”

  “Enough, girl!” Her father held up his hand. “I hope you’re happy, Graham. You finally were able to get revenge for your father because I left GI and started my own cosmetics firm which is ten times better than anything GI has ever done. And now you got your grubby hands on my company. I hope you choke on it.” Her father stormed out, leaving her mother crying in her handkerchief. Shane walked to the bar and poured himself a whiskey.