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Need You Now Page 9
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Page 9
Kayla took a deep breath. “I recognize that, Courtney.”
“Then chop chop.” Once she was done, Courtney walked to the buffet and reached for the fruit salad bowl and added a healthy amount to her plate.
Kayla turned to Shane at her side. “No comment from you?” Shane had been silent for weeks now. He’d said he would support her, but he said very little recently.
“I thought my silence would be welcome,” Shane returned. “Now if you’ll excuse me. I’m heading to the lab.” He’d just finished piling on the barbecue and filling his belly and now he needed to get back to work.
“Do you think you have the fragrance nailed now?” Kayla asked, getting out of the pool and wrapping one towel around her midriff and toweling her hair with another.
“I can’t predict magic, Kayla,” Shane responded. “But yes, I am close.”
“Glad to hear it. I think we could use a boost around here.” She walked over and kissed him on the cheek.
Shane quirked his brow questioningly. “What was that for?”
“Can’t a girl kiss her brother?”
A smile ruffled Shane’s mouth. “Of course, you can.” He kissed her back. “I’ll see you all later tonight.” He waved before walking away.
“Is there anything I can do, dear, to help you with the wedding?” her mother inquired when Kayla joined her at the table to make herself a plate.
“There’s tons.” Kayla added a turkey burger, baked beans and potato salad to her plate. “The wedding planner wants to review the flower arrangements for the reception and discuss place cards.”
“I’m at your disposal.”
“I’m going to the country club,” her father huffed and pushed away from the table. He didn’t give her mother or Kayla a kiss before leaving, which didn’t go unnoticed.
“Will he ever get over this?” Kayla asked, sitting down. She was afraid he was going to protest and refuse to walk her down the aisle. And if he did, Kayla didn’t know if she could go through with the wedding without him.
“In time he will,” her mother answered. “But your father is a proud man, and to see his life’s work back at Graham International after leaving over twenty years ago is a rather hard pill to swallow. But give him time. He’ll come around.”
When Kayla looked doubtful, her mother smiled and added, “Or I will make him.”
Kayla leaned over and gave her mother a hug across the table.
“Do we have to have all this sentiment?” Courtney asked. “Because it’s a real drag.”
“How’s the wedding planning coming along?” Daniel asked Ethan later that evening over some beer. They were blowing off steam playing pool at the gentleman’s club they often frequented.
“Surprisingly, very smoothly,” Ethan answered. “With one exception.”
“Which is?” Daniel asked, leaning over the pool table with his cue. “Red ball, right pocket.” He knocked the ball into the hole.
“Kayla hasn’t found a dress.”
“The wedding is in a week!”
“I know that.” Ethan swigged his beer. It couldn’t come soon enough. He’d self-imposed celibacy until the wedding because he wanted his and Kayla’s first time making love to be special, but his anatomy wasn’t pleased with him. Whenever they were together, he had a hard time controlling his desire for her.
“Do you think she’s using it as a stall tactic?” Daniel inquired. “Green ball, middle pocket.” The ball missed the pocket and landed in the middle of the table, a clean shot for Ethan. Daniel was a king at pool, having played it in college, but threw Ethan one every now and again for his ego’s sake.
Ethan shrugged. “Doesn’t matter, because Kayla will marry me if she’s wearing nothing but a smile. Green ball, left pocket.” He slid the cue down and expertly shot the ball.
Daniel chuckled at Ethan’s bluntness. “Your male guests wouldn’t have a problem with it, though I suspect the ladies might be a tad embarrassed.”
Ethan glared at Daniel. “Very funny.” He wasn’t smiling at all. He didn’t want any other man looking at Kayla ever. She was his, and in a week it would be official. “But I know what the problem is. Orange ball, corner pocket.” He slid the cue behind him and shot the ball in the pocket.
“Show-off,” Daniel said, laughing. “So you’re a mind reader now?”
“When it comes to Kayla, yes I am,” Ethan responded honestly. In the past few weeks, he’d come to read her quite well. He knew when to push and when to back off. “Kayla hasn’t found a dress because it will make the wedding real to her.”
“And she’s just now realizing that?” Daniel asked. “You guys made the announcement. It’s out in the open.”
“I know that,” Ethan said. “But Kayla is fighting her desire for me. She is desperate to maintain her independence and appear unaffected, but I intend to break through her defenses.”
“Sounds like you’re developing feelings for the woman as well,” Daniel commented, looking at his boss.
“Who, me?” Ethan said in a somewhat high-pitched tone.
“Yeah, you.” Daniel pointed his cue stick at Ethan. “Are you falling for Kayla? I mean you have gone out of your way to make this the wedding of her dreams, enlisting her best friend, Piper, to find out what Kayla dreamed about as a little girl.”
“That was pretty slick of me, huh?” Ethan was proud of his scheme. At first Piper had been reluctant to meet with him, but once she heard the reason for his call, the redhead had been on board. Thanks to Piper, he’d ensured the wedding planner had every idea Kayla had ever dreamed of for her wedding day.
Kayla may think their marriage might be short-term, but Ethan had no such delusions. He wanted to get married once, just like his parents. Sure, his father had been a jerk, but he’d waited until he’d found Ethan’s mother, Eleanor, before getting married. Ethan was the same. He’d always known there was something special about Kayla. He remembered one day when he’d come across a young Kayla and Piper riding their horses. Kayla was the cutest little thing with the biggest dimples he’d ever seen. When the horse had gotten spooked and thrown Kayla, Ethan had caught her before she hit the ground.
He knew she thought he was only marrying her to get his hands on Adams Cosmetics, but she was wrong. He may not love her in the same way Carter probably loved his mother, but he cared for Kayla deeply and wanted the best for her.
“Yeah, that was pretty slick of you, Ethan,” Daniel said when Ethan missed his next shot because he’d lost focus. “Now all you have to do is get the lady over the broom.”
“Oh, trust me, Kayla and I will be husband and wife.”
“This is the one,” Kayla said as she stood on a pedestal in one of the guest rooms and admired the gown in the three-section mirror the wedding planner had brought over for the occasion. Despite it being a holiday, she’d come so Kayla could finally get this dress business sorted out.
“It’s stunning, Kay,” Piper gushed.
“You will be a beautiful bride.” Her mother wiped a stray tear with her handkerchief. It was the first time Kayla had let her sit in on one of the fittings. Kayla guessed her mother brought her good luck, because after a month, she had finally found the dress.
“Can you help me out of this dress?” Kayla said from the pedestal.
“Of course,” Piper responded.
“I will let you get dressed, darling.” Her mother kissed her cheek. “I am so happy you found a gown. Now you’ll see. Everything will be just fine.” She patted Kayla’s cheek.
“Thank you, Mama.” Kayla gave her a tentative smile. Although she appreciated her words of encouragement, as the days drew near to her wedding day on the first of June, Kayla was a ball of nerves. When the big day came would she able to walk down the aisle and say “I do” to Ethan and commit to him for the rest of her life?
Kayla asked herself that same question on her wedding day that Saturday as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. She didn’t even recognize herself. She was
a June bride.
Viola, one of Adams Cosmetics’ hairstylists and makeup artists, had come to the Adams estate to get her ready for the big day. And that she had. Kayla had opted for a half up, half down style with a tiara.
And the dress…well, she’d chosen a pearl color, which complemented her skin versus the traditional stark white. The soft shimmer satin was eye-catching and the bodice featured a figure-flattering asymmetrical waist with a captivating jeweled band. Bubble hems hung generously down the full bustled skirt. Kayla would certainly make an entrance in the designer gown.
“You look stunning,” Courtney said as she added a few dabs of perfume to Kayla’s wrists and ears.
Kayla glanced behind her. “Thank you, sis.”
Courtney noted her less than enthusiastic response but didn’t say anything.
“You okay?” Piper asked, leaning against Kayla’s shoulder as she looked at her best friend in the mirror. She was maid of honor and was wearing a one-of-a-kind strapless satin emerald dress with a simple A-line skirt that complemented her vibrant red hair. Kayla had wanted to keep it simple yet elegant so that all eyes would be on her when she walked down the aisle.
“Of course.” Kayla smiled.
Piper noticed that the smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Courtney, can you give us a minute?”
“Sure. I’ll go check and see how everything is going downstairs.”
Once the door closed, Piper, turned back to Kayla. “Girl, if you have any doubts, now is the time to speak up.”
“I’ve made my bed, Piper and now I have lie in it. Literally,” Kayla added.
In the last month, Ethan had shown surprising restraint. The kisses they’d shared since were hungry and passionate, yet he hadn’t tried to coerce her into his bed. She’d thought he’d be eager to claim his prize, but instead he seemed intent on waiting. Why wait? What was Ethan up to?
“We’ll become lovers soon, and I just wonder how much I can trust him,” Kayla said. “Look at how we got here.”
Piper was about to respond when there was a knock on the bedroom door. “Are you decent?” A male voice inquired.
Kayla beamed when she heard her father’s strong baritone voice on the other side. “Yes, we are, Daddy.”
Her father walked in wearing a designer tuxedo and matching pearl-colored tie. He walked toward Kayla with his arms outstretched. “Baby girl, you look beautiful.” He pulled her toward him and embraced her tightly. He leaned back to take another look at her and kissed her forehead.
“I’m going to give you guys some alone time,” Piper said quietly before leaving.
“You know how proud I have always been of you, right?” her father asked once Piper had gone.
Kayla gave a halfhearted smile. “Yes, but it’s always nice to hear.”
“Then, I have to try once last time to convince you to stop this travesty,” her father returned. “You don’t have to do this, Kayla. You don’t have to marry him.”
“Daddy, what choice do I have, do we have?” Kayla looked deep into her father’s eyes. They had an unspoken language between them, always had.
Resigned, her father looked down. He didn’t seem to have an answer to the question that had been looming over all their heads for weeks.
“I guess we don’t have a choice,” her father replied grudgingly. “But know this, even though I’m giving you away to Graham, of all people, you will always be my sweetheart.”
Tears bordered Kayla’s eyes and she fanned her face. “Daddy, you can’t make me cry now. It will ruin my makeup.”
“I do have something to say and promise me you’ll hear me out before you speak.”
Kayla crossed her heart.
“This is a big day for you. And I want you to know that I recognize everything you have done for this family.” Kayla began to speak, but her father silenced her with his index finger. “See…I knew you wouldn’t let me finish. Listen, you don’t have to admit it to me, but I know that you’ve tethered yourself to Graham in this unholy union to save Adams Cosmetics. And all I want to say is thank you.”
Kayla wanted to correct him but opted to say only, “You’re welcome.”
If someone were to ask Kayla what she remembered about her wedding, she would say, “Not much.” It was like she was walking in a dream. She would remember her father grasping her elbow and leading her down the aisle. She would remember the tears of joy in her mother’s eyes as she saw her in her wedding gown. She would remember Shane’s stoic expression from across the aisle when her father joined her hand with Ethan’s. Or the thumbs-up signal Piper gave her when she handed her the wedding bouquet so they could recite their vows.
And now Ethan had his hand on her waist, leading her around the reception so they could thank their guests for coming, making it seem even more surreal. Was she really Mrs. Ethan Graham? Had she really just married her father’s worst enemy and her childhood crush?
“I can’t wait to have you all to myself,” Ethan whispered in her ear once when he thought no one could hear.
It caused Kayla’s stomach to bunch up in knots. So much so that when it was time for dinner, she could hardly eat a bite. She just moved the food from one side of the plate to another.
“Are you feeling okay?” Ethan asked, whispering in her ear.
Kayla merely nodded. She tried to eat, but everything tasted like rubber. How on earth was she going to get through the day knowing she would become Ethan’s lover later that night?
Ethan, on the other hand, was extremely happy with the day’s events. He and Kayla were now legally joined in marriage. What was hers was his and what was his was hers. Sure, he’d thought about a prenuptial agreement, his lawyer had even insisted on it, but Kayla Adams was a woman of her word. She wouldn’t try for a divorce, otherwise she would risk losing control of Adams Cosmetics, and that would never do. He would have to content himself with the fact that Kayla desired him. She may not love him, but that could change in time.
Ethan had watched as Kayla said her vows. She’d gone through the motions and said the required words, but there was no emotion behind them. And when he’d kissed her, she’d been as mechanical as a robot, but Ethan intended to change all that tonight. He would coax a passionate response from her and she would respond to him as the vibrant, sexy woman he knew her to be.
Kayla was returning from a trek to the restroom when she heard Shane and Courtney mention Ethan’s name. She stayed behind some planters to listen to their conversation.
“Did you hear how Ethan recited his vows?” Shane asked Courtney.
“If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought he meant them.”
“I thought it was just me,” Shane returned. “But the way Ethan looked at Kayla so intently when he said his vows made me almost believe him.”
“I heard it, too.” Courtney nodded. “Do you think Ethan is even capable of genuine emotion?”
“I don’t know, sis,” Shane said. “I just hope Kayla knows what she got herself into.”
“If anyone does, it’s Kayla. She’s a big girl and quite capable of taking care of herself. Perhaps it’s the other way around, and Ethan doesn’t know what he got himself into.”
Shane chuckled. Kayla was a force to be reckoned with. “Of course you’re right, Courtney.”
As Kayla watched them walk away, she wondered if they were right. Did Ethan really care for her? Or was he just good at putting on a performance in front of the crowd of family, friends and coworkers that had gathered for Atlanta’s wedding of the year?
“Kayla, there you are,” her mother cried from behind her. “Where have you been hiding?”
“I haven’t been hiding.” Kayla laughed nervously. At least not really. She’d been avoiding. She knew time was winding down before she and Ethan would have to leave for their honeymoon. She wasn’t sure what Ethan had planned, but Kayla was anxious about what would come later.
“Ethan was looking for you,” her mother said, “but he’s with your
father now.”
“Oh, Lord!” Kayla glanced over her shoulder and saw that Ethan and her father were speaking. She had no idea what they were saying, but it couldn’t be good. Byron Adams despised anything Graham. He had for years. Kayla had to go over and interrupt them before something bad happened.
“I don’t know how you convinced my daughter to marry you, Ethan,” Byron Adams said at his side, “but you had sure better take care of my baby girl. Otherwise you’ll have me to answer to.”
“I’m very well aware of your disdain for me, Byron,” Ethan responded. “But make no mistake, I will take care of my wife and I promise no harm will ever come to Kayla.”
Kayla came walking toward the duo just as she heard her father say, “I guess your word will have to be enough.”
Kayla looked back and forth between the two men, but their faces were guarded. “Daddy, is everything okay?” She instantly walked to her father.
Ethan swallowed hard as he watched them embrace and Byron kiss her forehead. Kayla hadn’t come to him first, she’d gone to Byron. The bond she shared with her father was a strong one and he didn’t intend to come between them, but she would have to make room for Ethan in her life now.
“Kayla.” Ethan lightly pulled her toward him. “Darling,” he added for good measure and inserted her arm through his. “I think it’s time we made our exit.”
Kayla glanced at her father and then up at Ethan. “Oh, of course.” She extracted her other arm from her father. Going forward she was no longer her father’s daughter, she was Ethan’s wife.
Soon, she was kissing her father, mother, Shane, Courtney and Piper underneath a cloud of rice as she and Ethan made their way to the limousine that waited for them outside. She blew them a kiss as she ducked inside.
Once they were on their way to the airstrip to board Ethan’s private plane, Ethan removed his tie and loosened the button on his tuxedo shirt. “God, I’m glad that’s over. Aren’t you?” He looked over and saw Kayla sitting as far away from him as humanly possible and wistfully looking out of the window. “We are coming back, you know.”