Need You Now Page 14
“Stop it, Courtney.” Kayla circled her arms around her sister’s waist. “I would kill for your size-four figure.” At a size ten, Kayla was certainly considered curvy by industry standards. “You’re gorgeous, and don’t you ever forget it.”
“If you’ll excuse me.” Courtney pulled away just as Ethan walked into the room. She gave him the evil eye on her way out.
“Hey, babe.” Ethan kissed Kayla on the cheek.
“Your sister isn’t too happy with me, is she?”
Kayla gave him a sideward glance. “Can you blame her?”
Ethan looked forward and watched Noelle sashay across the floor with ease. She was moving like a cougar. “Noelle is doing a great job.”
“She’s okay,” Kayla commented. She didn’t want to admit that she was uneasy around a woman as beautiful as Noelle. Noelle carried herself with an air of entitlement that frustrated Kayla because she probably was used to men falling at her feet. Even Ethan, standing beside her, seemed entranced by the actress.
“She’ll do a fine job launching the fragrance line.”
“If you say so.”
Ethan stared down at Kayla. “You just refuse to admit that I could be right about this.”
“The decision has been made and I’ve accepted it. What more do you want?” Kayla asked, peering at him.
“Nothing, I guess,” Ethan returned. It was clear they were never going to agree on the subject. “Well, I have to get out of here. I will see you later for dinner?” He asked it as more of a question because he wasn’t sure what mood Kayla would be in after the photo shoot.
“Great.” Ethan bent down and kissed her soft lips. “I’ll see you at home.”
Even when she felt cross toward him, the barest brush of his lips on hers always evoked a response from deep within her belly. Kayla hated that her body was so traitorous when her mind wanted to keep him at bay.
Once Ethan walked away, Kayla noticed that Noelle was staring at them. She quickly looked away once she realized she’d been caught and returned to the task at hand, showing off her beautiful face.
When the photo shoot was done, Kayla thanked the photographer for a job well done. “It’s always a joy to work for Adams Cosmetics,” he said. “You’re one of my favorite customers.”
“And we love you, Jacques,” Kayla replied. “I can’t wait to see the films.”
Jacques turned and glanced at Noelle, who was behind a screen getting undressed. “She was a natural.”
Kayla signed off on some paperwork and was about to head back upstairs to her office when Noelle stopped her. “You’re Kayla Adams, right?”
Kayla glanced up at the statuesque actress who towered over her by several inches. Up close, Noelle was even more stunningly beautiful. Her beautiful café-au-lait skin was flawless, and makeup only added to her natural beauty. And she was as thin as Courtney said, because she made Kayla feel uneasy at size ten. “I am. May I help you?”
“I just wanted to thank you and Ethan in person for this great opportunity.”
“You’re welcome.” Kayla stepped away to leave, but Noelle’s next words stopped her in her tracks.
“You will give Ethan my regards?”
Kayla spun around on her heels to face Noelle. “Excuse me?”
Noelle smiled. She’d hit her target. “Ethan and I go waaay back.”
The inference left little doubt in Kayla’s mind that Ethan and Noelle were not strangers. They’d been lovers.
“It’s just so wonderful of him to use me to launch this new fragrance,” Noelle gushed. “It will be a big boost to my career. So you absolutely must give him a big kiss for me.”
Kayla’s eyes narrowed. “Oh, I absolutely will.”
When Ethan arrived home, Kayla was in the living room with her legs tucked underneath her and a drink in hand. “Started without me?” He asked, heading to the wet bar to pour himself a scotch.
“Something like that,” Kayla answered curtly.
Ethan’s head popped up when he heard a distinct tone of derision in Kayla’s voice. “Is something wrong, my dear?” he asked, pouring a generous sum of scotch in the glass. He took a sip and headed over to the couch where Kayla was sitting and sat down beside her.
Kayla gave him a cursory glance. “Why would you say that?”
“Hmm…I don’t know. Something in your tone perhaps?”
Kayla sipped on her drink. “I had a very interesting conversation today.”
“Oh, yeah? With whom?”
“Noelle,” Kayla answered.
Instantly, Ethan knew the direction this conversation was about to turn. “Kayla…”
Kayla turned to glare at him and put up her hand to stop him from speaking. “She wanted me to give you her regards and a big kiss, seeing as how you two go waaay back.”
“I know you’re upset.”
“Upset?” Kayla laughed. “Upset that you didn’t want my sister as the spokeswoman for Hypnotic, but you wanted your ex-girlfriend? Now why would I be upset about something like that?”
“When you say it like that it sounds sinister, like she’s my mistress or something,” Ethan responded. “And that’s far from true.”
“Oh, really?” Kayla raised a brow. “You could have fooled me.”
“Kayla, listen.” Ethan reached for her hand, but Kayla moved away farther on the couch.
“Why?” She hissed.
Ethan would try his best to explain. He and Kayla had finally found a happy medium and he didn’t want to lose ground. They’d settled in like normal newlyweds and he had been enjoying wedded bliss. “Noelle and I haven’t seen each other in five years, okay? I have no romantic interest in her, but she is a well-known actress who just won an Oscar. The exposure she can give us is off the charts.”
“And why do you suppose she accepted this offer?” Kayla inquired, and then pointed at him. “You!”
“Noelle is dating an NFL player.”
“So says the rumor mill,” Kayla replied. She’d taken the liberty of going online and reading the gossip magazines on Noelle. She had quite the reputation for switching mates. She’d also come across images of her and Ethan together as a couple, which had only infuriated her further. “How could you not tell me this? Why did you let me get blindsided like that?”
“I’m sorry, Kayla, really I am, but Noelle and I were over long ago.”
Kayla rolled her eyes upward. “I can accept that,” she responded. “What I can’t accept is you keeping secrets from me. I thought we promised to be honest with each other.”
“Honestly, it wasn’t my intention to be deceptive, and I’m sorry that you consider that I was.”
Kayla eyed him suspiciously. She couldn’t bear another argument between them. The last one had taken its toll. “Okay. I’m going to take what you’re saying at face value.”
“So I’m not in the doghouse?”
“Oh, you’re still in the doghouse,” Kayla replied. “So how do you intend to get yourself out?”
“Hmm…” Ethan rubbed his square jaw. “I can think of several ways.” His eyes went to the V-neck sweater she was wearing in which he could see the swell of her breasts. “But how about this?” He pulled a small jewelry box out of his pocket and handed it to Kayla.
“When did you get this?” Kayla asked.
“On my way home. I knew you were upset about Courtney and I wanted to give you a little something to let you know that I was thinking about you.”
Tears sprung to Kayla’s eyes. “That was very thoughtful of you.” Ethan was surprising her more and more. Could they possibly have a real marriage, despite how it had begun?
“So are you going to open it?” Ethan inquired. He was happy that he’d finally done something right.
Kayla smiled and flipped open the lid. Inside was a beautiful three-pendant diamond necklace. “It’s gorgeous.” Kayla pulled it out of the box and laid it in her palm.
“Let me p
ut it on you.” Ethan reached over and took it out of her hand. Kayla turned around and lifted her head so Ethan could close the clasp around her neck.
When Kayla turned around, Ethan sat back to admire his handiwork. “It suits you.”
“Thank you.” Kayla leaned across the couch and kissed Ethan full on the lips.
Ethan lifted her off the couch with muscled ease. Kayla’s soft luscious body slid against his and she got the full contact of how much he wanted her. Her mouth brushed his gently at first, but then she slowly deepened the kiss and he opened his mouth to her eager awaiting tongue. Her tongue stroked his with aching delight that awakened every fiber of his being. Their tongues dueled and Kayla gripped at his shirt as the onslaught of the kiss took her over.
Heat flooded through Ethan. He wanted her naked. When he reached for her breasts and began molding them over her sweater, Kayla whispered, “Let’s take this to bedroom.”
“What’s wrong with right here?” Ethan said devilishly.
“Ethan, we have staff!” Kayla murmured. “Anyone could walk in.”
And they would most definitely get an eyeful. Reluctantly, Ethan released her and sat them both up. “Spoilsport!”
“C’mon.” Kayla pulled him off the couch. “Let’s go upstairs.”
Chapter 12
“The launch party for Hypnotic tonight is going to be off the charts,” Ethan said as he and Kayla dressed to go to the party that evening. The advertising department had fast-tracked the photo shoot of Noelle and a commercial to ensure they could get Hypnotic in stores in time for the holidays. He was amazed at what they had accomplished in several weeks. Even more amazing were the small strides he’d made with the Adams family. He’d even attended their annual Fourth of July weekend in the Hamptons, something he hadn’t done since his late teens. Though they hadn’t spoken to him much, they had included him.
“I’m hoping it’ll be a success.” Kayla was excited, yet a little apprehensive about branching out into a new arena. She’d felt the same way when Adams Cosmetics had branched out to body washes, lotions, shampoos and conditioners, except this time she had the full support of Graham International’s financial strength behind her.
“Are you concerned?” Ethan asked. He’d never seen Kayla express any doubt. She was still wearing her robe and putting on her makeup.
“I know Shane’s put together a quality product,” Kayla replied, adding a touch of blush to her cheeks, “but you never know how it’s going to be received by the general public.”
“The focus groups loved it,” Ethan returned.
“True, but the Adams Cosmetics customer, although loyal, might be a little skeptical at first.”
“Kind of like you were about the merger?” Ethan inquired.
Kayla merely smiled. She’d been more than a little skeptical about merging a corporate goliath like Graham International with her smaller company. She never wanted to lose the sense of family she had with her employees, but surprisingly they were getting along well.
“Apparently, I’m not the only skeptical one. We have others banking on us falling flat on our butts,” Kayla returned. “Oh, yeah?”
“I received a congratulatory bouquet at the office today from Jax Cosmetics.”
“Considering the history with your father, that seems disingenuous.”
“Exactly! Andrew Jackson is just waiting for us to fail, so he can rub it in my father’s face. I’m sure he’s hoping Hypnotic’s launch is a disaster.”
“Well, he will be wrong,” Ethan responded. “I never lose. Are you almost ready?”
Kayla loved Ethan’s confidence. Some might call it arrogance, but at times it was sexy as hell. “Just about.”
“I don’t want to be late to your parents’,” Ethan replied. Ethan would have preferred to go separately with his wife and meet the Adamses at the launch party, but they had a tradition of attending every party as a family unit. And if he broke tradition, Byron Adams would have his head.
When Kayla emerged from the master bathroom, Ethan sucked in a deep breath. She was wearing a scarlet strapless dress with a tightly fitted bodice that fit her curvy body and flared out with a long train behind her.
Kayla liked what she saw as well and gave Ethan a catcall. He was standing tall in a classic black one-button tuxedo with satin collar, skinny satin tie and matching pants.
“Thanks, babe.” Ethan smiled, “But nothing compares to you in that dress.”
“Oh, this old thing?” Kayla lied. She’d spent a great deal of time finding the right dress. She and Piper had gone to several stores the past weekend trying to find just the right dress for the launch tonight.
Ethan offered his arm. “Ready to go?”
“Absolutely.” Kayla grabbed her clutch purse sitting on the bed and they were on their way.
Her parents were in the great room as usual and waiting for Kayla when she and Ethan arrived. Her father was pacing near the mantel as he always did.
“Baby girl, you look beautiful as always.” He kissed her on the cheek. He held both her hands and stood back to look at her. “You get more beautiful each time I see you.”
Kayla blushed. “Oh, stop it, Daddy.”
“Oh, no, please do fill her head,” Shane said from the opposite side of the room. “She needs the praise.” He loved teasing his big sister because he knew how much it irked her.
Kayla turned to her brother and made a face.
“All right you two,” her mother said. “Play nice.”
“Byron.” Ethan held his hand out. That’s when Kayla realized he was still waiting by the mantel to be acknowledged.
Her father glanced over at him. “Graham.”
“Why don’t you try calling him Ethan, Daddy?” Kayla offered. It was much less hostile than calling him by his last name.
“Very well,” Byron said, turning to his daughter. “For you, I will. Ethan, thank you for bringing Kayla over. It’s always been a tradition for us to attend Adams Cosmetics functions together as a family.”
“It was pleasure as we are a family now,” Ethan commented.
A loud “ahem” was heard from behind them and Ethan turned and found Courtney standing behind her. “Courtney, you’re looking ravishing tonight.”
Courtney stood with her hair done up like a princess in a white strapless gown with a ruffled organza bottom from waist to feet. A simple black tie sash was the only detail. “Apparently, not ravishing enough,” she said underneath her breath as she passed by Ethan and walked into the room toward her sister.
“Kayla, it’s good to see you, sis. We’ve missed you. Your time has been monopolized these days.”
Ethan heard the first dig, but Kayla hadn’t and she responded with, “I’m sorry. Let’s plan on a game of tennis this weekend.”
“Sounds good. So is everyone ready to go?” Courtney inquired, glancing around.
“Now that you’ve finally graced us with your presence,” Shane said, laughing, “we are.”
“Put a sock in it!” Courtney sniped back.
“I just love having the entire family together again,” their father stated. “Everyone grab a glass of champagne.” Half a dozen glasses were already waiting on a nearby table, thanks to Victor. The entire Adams family came forward and grabbed a glass.
Byron Adams held up his flute. “Let’s go show the world that nothing can keep us down and we stand strong.”
“To family.” They all raised a glass.
The press snapped photos of the family as they exited the limousine and fired rapid questions at them left and right. “When will the perfume debut in stores? Is Adams Cosmetics working on another one?”
“Soon,” Kayla answered the first question.
Shane followed with, “You’ll have to wait and see.”
Inside, the launch party was a huge success. The ballroom of the hotel where the party was being held was filled to capacity. All the major media outlets in Atlanta were present.
A prominent ed
itor from one of the top women’s magazines stopped Kayla. “I absolutely love Hypnotic,” she gushed. “I think the fragrance will be a hit with our readers. You really must give a sample for an advertisement.”
“Absolutely!” Kayla smiled and squeezed Ethan’s hand at her side. From what she could tell, everyone loved Hypnotic. Kayla had heard only positive responses from both the media and the other guests.
Ethan and Kayla made the rounds, smiling at photographers, greeting guests and making small talk. Ethan never seemed to leave her side; he played the dutiful husband with his hand lightly on the small of her back, causing Kayla to wonder if he was developing genuine feelings for her.
When it was time for her to thank everyone for coming and introduce Hypnotic as well as their spokeswoman, Ethan stood beside her onstage along with the entire Adams family. Ethan felt it only appropriate that she as CEO of Adams Cosmetics make the announcement.
“I would like to thank you all for coming tonight. I think I speak for the entire Adams family when I say that we are excited to have you here tonight. We’re excited to debut Hypnotic to you first,” Kayla said, microphone in hand. “It’s a brand-new area for Adams Cosmetics that we think our loyal customers will love. We invite you to partake of the samples around the room. Heck, take some home with you and introduce it to your friends.” She was wrapping up her speech when Ethan whispered for her to mention Noelle. “And of course, meet our new spokeswoman, Noelle Warner.” Kayla motioned to Noelle, standing in the center of the room with a spotlight on her. “In the meantime, enjoy the delicious food and champagne we’ve had catered for tonight’s event. To Hypnotic!” Kayla held up her champagne flute.
All the participants raised their glasses. “To Hypnotic!”
Ethan came over and gave Kayla the most public kiss they’d ever had. It caused the crowd to clap in ovation. “We are newlyweds, after all…” Ethan said into the mike.
Later on, when Kayla was getting some canapés, Piper rushed over to give her a big hug. “Girlfriend, I love it!” she gushed, smelling her wrists. “This fragrance is going to put AC back on the map.”