Need You Now Page 15
“You mean it?” Kayla asked, putting down the small plate she’d been piling high with food.
“Of course I do!” Piper hit Kayla on the shoulder. “You know I would never lie to you. Shane has outdone himself.”
A smile spread across Kayla’s face. “Thanks, doll. That means a lot.” Kayla plopped an hors d’oeuvre into her mouth. She was starved. Actually, she’d noticed her appetite had increased of late, but she suspected it was due to all the stress she was under, as she was an emotional eater.
“And Ethan…well, that kiss up there was hot stuff,” Piper commented. “Seems like the two of you are on the right path.”
Kayla nodded and put her hand over her mouth as she finished chewing. When she was done, she said, “We’ve come to a meeting of the minds.”
“I’d say a meeting of the bodies,” Piper chuckled.
Kayla blushed. “That, too.”
“Have you told him how you feel?”
Kayla shook her head furiously. “Absolutely not. His knowing that I love him would change nothing and would only make it awkward between us. It is better I keep those feelings to myself.”
“For how long?” Piper asked. “How long do you think you can keep up this ruse that you care nothing for the man, when you’re sleeping and living with him day after day?”
“As long as it takes for Ethan to let me out of this sham of a marriage.”
“Is that honestly what you want?” Piper inquired. “To be let out of the marriage? You love him!”
Kayla grabbed Piper by the arm and pulled her aside so no one could hear their conversation. “And he doesn’t love me,” she whispered. “So can we drop this? No good can come from talking about this.”
“No good?” Piper said. “I hate to spoil your night, Kayla, but you’re bottling your feelings up inside and eventually they are going to erupt. And when they do, it won’t be good.”
“I won’t let that happen.”
“Oh, that’s right. Strong, competent Kayla, always fighting to stay in control, right?” Piper asked. “Well, there are some things that even you can’t control, Kayla. Like love.”
“I can control it,” Kayla responded. She had to, because if Ethan truly knew how she felt, he would have too much power over her. She couldn’t allow that to happen.
“What are you so afraid of? Maybe he’s feeling the same way about you. But you’ll never know unless you take a chance and tell him how you feel.”
The entire conversation was making Kayla uncomfortable and she had to make a quick exit. “You know what, I see someone I have to speak with,” Kayla said, looking over Piper’s shoulder at an imaginary person. “I must go say hello.” And before Piper could object, Kayla was making her way through the crowd.
She passed by Shane, who was talking to a woman who appeared to be enraptured by his every word. Courtney, as usual, was talking to reporters, and her parents were seated at a table eating hors d’oeuvres. The only person she didn’t see was Ethan. Kayla continued searching the crowd for her husband.
Ethan was speaking with a colleague on the terrace of the hotel when Noelle approached him.
“Noelle, you’re looking well,” Ethan said when she joined him. He gave her a hug and tried to pull away quickly, but she held on a little longer than he expected. “How are you, my dear?” He tried to sound lighthearted.
“Ethan, it’s been a long time,” Noelle replied. “Where have you been hiding yourself?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’ve been suspiciously absent of late at the photo shoot and then at the commercial for Hypnotic.”
“My wife is CEO of Adams Cosmetics, Noelle.”
“Oh, please,” Noelle shushed him. “Everyone knows that’s merely a formality and you’re the real one in charge.”
“No, it’s not,” Ethan challenged her. “Kayla is in charge.”
“Really?” Noelle raised an eyebrow. “So she chose me to replace her sister as spokeswoman for this campaign? I don’t think so.”
“You just won an Oscar, Noelle,” Ethan replied, smiling and catering to her ego. “You’re hot right now, and we’re capitalizing on that.”
“Clearly, but that’s not why I accepted this job.”
“And why did you?”
Noelle slid closer to Ethan and tugged his tie. “You, of course, silly.” She came forward until her lips were inches from his. “I wanted to see if we could rekindle the past.”
“Noelle.” Ethan looked down at her. “I am a married man.”
“And I’m seeing Mitch Blake,” she responded. “But that doesn’t mean anything. What they don’t know won’t hurt them.”
From the other side of the terrace behind the bushes, Kayla fell back against the building, completely floored. Although she couldn’t hear their conversation, Noelle was cheek to cheek, hip to hip with Ethan and he didn’t seem to mind. It was clear they were carrying on an affair right under her nose. How could she have been so blind? Ethan had no intention of ever making this a real marriage. He’d used her to get her father’s company probably as a way to right an old grudge between their fathers, and she’d been caught in the middle.
And to make matters worse, her “husband” was cozying up with their spokeswoman where any passerby could see them. It was humiliating, and Kayla couldn’t stand to watch it another minute. She wanted to go over and confront them both, but what purpose would that serve but to mortify her even further? Though she doubted it was possible to sink lower than she felt at this moment.
With leaden feet, Kayla forced herself from bushes she’d crouched behind, brushed herself off and went back into the launch party to salvage what she could of the evening. Adams Cosmetics would be a success despite Ethan Graham.
“Listen, Noelle.” Ethan grabbed both Noelle’s hands, which she’d been trying to circle around his neck, and pushed her away. “I’m not interested in rekindling anything with you. Ours is a professional relationship only. I’m sorry if you got the impression that there was more to this opportunity, but there isn’t.”
“Are you saying you’re in love with her?” Noelle pointed to the ballroom.
Ethan stared in the direction of the party and then back at Noelle. Love? He’d certainly considered the idea before, but now that she’d said it, it sounded so real and probable. But even if he did love his wife, he was certainly not about to tell Noelle. He needed to sort out his feelings first. “That’s none of your concern,” Ethan finally answered. “All you need to concern yourself with is the Hypnotic campaign and nothing further.”
Noelle shrugged. “If that’s the way you want it. It seems like such a terrible waste. I doubt that prim and proper girl even knows how to please a sexual man such as you.”
Ethan smiled to himself. That prim and proper girl more than knew how to please him, and he was already looking forward to the end of the evening. “Noelle, since we’ve known each other so long I’m going to let that slide, but don’t ever speak about my wife in a derogatory manner again or you will not like the outcome.”
“Fine!” Noelle pouted and then stalked off into the ballroom.
Ethan stayed out on the terrace for a moment longer to think about the question posed to him. Was Noelle right? Was he falling in love with Kayla? And if he were, how was he going to handle it?
“That was a long night,” Ethan said in the limousine on the way home. It was nearly midnight and they were making they were way out of Atlanta and back into the outskirts of the city.
“Yeah, it was,” Kayla said, rubbing her shoulders as she looked out the window.
Ethan leaned over and began massaging her shoulders. “You’re tense as hell.” He used his thumb and fingers to massage several pressure points.
Kayla was tense because Ethan, cheater that he was, was touching her, but what could she do? After she’d left him and Noelle on the terrace, she’d thought about her situation. She was in between a rock and a hard place. Ethan had her exactly where he wanted
her. He had all the power. He’d forced her into this marriage and taken advantage of her unrequited crush to get her into bed, and to make matters worse he’d tired of her. He’d resorted to taking a lover, and what could she do?
He had majority interest in Adams Cosmetics. If she left him, there was no guarantee he wouldn’t dismantle Adams Cosmetics and leave her and the family with nothing. She had to force him to let her go, but how? Of that she wasn’t sure, but she would come up with a game plan to force his hand. There was no way Ethan Graham would get away with making a fool out of her.
Once they were back at the house, Kayla feigned illness.
“Is there anything I can do?” Ethan asked, concerned. She’d seemed fine earlier.
“No, I just feel like I’m coming down with something, so I’m going to sleep in one of the guest rooms,” Kayla said with a straight face as she stared at her husband. “I wouldn’t want you to come down with it.”
“Don’t worry about that,” Ethan said. “I’m as strong as an ox.” He didn’t want to sleep alone. He’d rather gotten used to having Kayla by his side. Even when they didn’t have sex, when he rolled over and felt her soft body, he was instantly comforted. And after Noelle’s comments tonight, he wanted to be with her. He needed to be.
Kayla shook her head. “No, I think it’s best.” When he went to touch her forehead for a fever, Kayla pulled away. “It could be the flu or something, and don’t you have the big meeting in a couple of days? You wouldn’t want to get sick and have to cancel, would you?”
“I guess you’re right,” Ethan said reluctantly as Kayla began to walk down the hall to one of ten guest rooms in the mansion. “Are you sure you don’t want me to tuck you in?”
Kayla turned around. “That won’t be necessary.” And seconds later, she was inside the safety of the guest room. Kayla leaned against the door. The sick card wasn’t going to work for long. Ethan was a smart man and he would call in a doctor.
But after seeing him with Noelle, Kayla couldn’t bear to have him touch her. The thought of him wanting to make love to her tonight made her physically ill. She’d come up with an excuse to have some time to herself so she could figure out a game plan. Ethan Graham may have beat her once, but he wouldn’t again.
Chapter 13
“I’m sorry, Kayla, that I don’t have better news,” her attorney told her on Sunday morning. Since he was an old family friend, he’d graciously agreed to meet her on the weekend. Ethan was out playing golf and didn’t know she’d sneaked out of the house, especially since she’d claimed illness and not slept in their bed the past two nights. “If you try to divorce Ethan, as the majority shareholder, he could cut you and the entire Adams family out of Adams Cosmetics. Your agreement is ironclad.”
Kayla nodded. “Thank you, Alan. I appreciate you taking the time to explain things.” She’d already known what he was going to say, but she guessed she had to hear it out of the horse’s mouth. Then an idea popped in her head. “What if he divorced me?”
“What do you mean?”
“What if I had incriminating information that Ethan would never want leaked?” Kayla suggested.
“Then you might have some leverage to force his hand.”
“Force him to give me back shares in a divorce?” Kayla asked. It would put them on equal footing.
“Smart girl.” Alan nodded. “But I doubt Ethan will give in easily no matter how much leverage you had. He strikes as a man who doesn’t like to lose.”
Kayla rose from her chair. “We’ll be in touch.” She shook his hand on the way out. Now she had to get the proof that Ethan was unfaithful and then the gloves were coming off.
“You look contemplative,” Daniel said after they’d just finished a round of golf with clients at their hotel and were standing outside waiting for the valet to bring Ethan’s car round.
“What was that?” Ethan asked wistfully.
“I asked what you’re thinking about,” Daniel returned. “You’ve been off all day.” Ethan had missed several easy shots, and they’d lost the game, which they never did. Ethan was an excellent golfer.
Ethan blinked several times and came back to the present. “Sorry, Daniel. I just have a lot on my mind.”
“Oh, yeah? Is it something I can help with?”
“No, it’s personal.”
Ethan shook his head. “Noelle came on to me at the launch party the other night.”
“I told you no good would come of having her back in your orbit.”
“It’s not that,” Ethan said. “I told her I was married, but she said something that shook me to my core…had me thinking.”
“What was it?”
“She asked me if I was in love with Kayla.”
Now that gave Daniel pause and he turned to face Ethan. “Are you?”
Ethan glanced at him sideways. “Why would you ask that?”
“Because I’ve noticed how close you guys have been lately, so it does make me wonder.”
“We’re making the best of the marriage.”
“Yeah, or you’re falling in love with your wife. And if you are, there’s nothing wrong with that,” Daniel responded. “You started this marriage for business purposes, but it can turn into true love.”
“No, it can’t be love.” Ethan shook his head. He’d come to the conclusion the other night that it had to be something else, because he was just too scared to face the prospect that it could be real. “I think it’s just lust, plain and simple.” Lust he understood. Love, he didn’t know anything about love or how to go about showing it. Was Kayla thinking the same? He didn’t want to give her any false hopes.
Daniel shrugged. “If you say so.”
“Wow! I can’t believe I have you all to myself,” Courtney said when Kayla showed up for their game of tennis a week later. They’d decided on neutral territory and played several games at the country club. “I thought Ethan had locked you in that cave he calls an estate never to let you out again.”
Kayla laughed. “It hasn’t been that bad.”
Courtney raised an eyebrow. “Are you kidding me? Everyone knows you two are newlyweds because no one ever sees you.”
Kayla thought about that. The past few months, it had been work and home. With home being their bedroom, they’d been voracious for each other, until now. Now that she knew that Ethan was a cold-hearted bastard who was only in the marriage for power to control Adams Cosmetics. He needed the company to perk up his lackluster cosmetics division. When their father had left Graham International, he’d taken his creativity with him and they’d never recovered, which was why Ethan was so determined to have the company. And now that he was bored with sex with Kayla, it was on to Noelle.
“Well, I’m here now,” Kayla said firmly. “And I promise to not let Ethan come between us again. My family means everything to me. You know I love you, don’t you?” Kayla leaned over to give Courtney a hug.
Courtney looked at her strangely. “Are you sure you’re okay?” She stared deep into Kayla’s brown eyes trying to figure out what her sister wasn’t telling her. “You played fiercely today. There was no way I was going to make a couple of those shots you sent my way.”
“It was a good set.”
“No, you killed it!” Courtney laughed. “Did you and Ethan have a fight and you have some inner aggression to unleash?”
When Kayla was silent for a moment, Courtney realized she hit the nail on the head. “Is all not smooth in paradise?”
“We’ve hit a bump in the road,” Kayla replied. “And that’s all I’m going to say on the subject. Today is all about us.” She couldn’t afford to let anyone else in on her plan. The element of surprise was crucial. Right when Ethan thought he had her, she’d show her trump card.
“Well, it’s about time,” Courtney said.
They were laughing when a familiar male figure came toward Kayla.
“Kayla Adams!”
“Ayden Turner!” Kayla replied.
“Ohmigod, how long has it been?” she said, rising from her chair to give him a hug.
“It’s been a while,” Ayden replied, still holding her hands. “Let me look at you.” He twirled her around with one hand and Kayla posed. “You look amazing.”
“So do you.” Kayla smiled warmly. Ayden had been her college sweetheart. They’d dated during her senior year and even after, when she obtained her MBA, but then a job opportunity led Ayden out of the country, and Kayla was never going to leave Adams Cosmetics and follow him because she was Byron’s successor. Or so she’d told Ayden.
Time had aged Ayden perfectly. His caramel-colored skin had a warm hue and it looked like he’d packed on a few extra muscles in the past eight years because he was ripped in his jersey and tennis shorts.
“What are you doing in town?” Kayla inquired.
“I’ve been relocated back to Atlanta,” Ayden returned.
“You have?” Courtney piped up.
That’s when Ayden turned to acknowledge her as his attention had been solely focused on Kayla. “Courtney?” His voice rose several octaves. “Wow! Girl, you’ve sure have grown up.”
Courtney’s mouth widened into a grin. “Yes, I have.”
“Gimme some.” He came forward, lifting her off her feet into a hug.
“It’s good to see you, Ayden,” Courtney said. “Now put me down.” Once he’d lowered her to her feet, she added, “You and Kayla should get together and catch up.” She winked at her sister.
Kayla didn’t like the hint of devilishness in Courtney’s eye. “I am a married woman now.” Kayla held up her seven-carat ring so Ayden could see.
“So? That doesn’t mean two old friends can’t catch up over a friendly drink.” When Kayla frowned, Ayden said, “Okay, how about lunch tomorrow?”
Kayla smiled. “Lunch sounds good.” Even though Ethan was a cheater, Kayla was a woman of her word and she didn’t intend to betray her vows. They meant something to her.